Downtown Atlanta, Georgia

Georgia Occupational Therapy License Board

All you need to get your Georgia occupational therapy license is your credentials and our knowledge of the process. We've put everything together in easy-to-understand formats and linked you to all the relevant resources below. You'll also find average Georgia OT salary and Georgia occupational therapy job links.

But if you still need more assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our recruiters and mentors.


How to Get Your Georgia Occupational Therapy License

The Georgia State Board of Occupational Therapy processes occupational therapy licenses in the state in less than 8 weeks, typically. While the average Georgia OT salary is just below the national average, so is the cost of living in the state. That means Georgia travel occupational therapists may find themselves with a favorable financial situation.

That's not all you'll find in Georgia, though. The state has a lovely coastline and exciting historic and cultural sights in cities such as Savannah and Atlanta. You'll find everything you need to get your Georgia occupational therapy license on this page so you can get to the work of allied travel and checking of your bucket list. And if you can't find what you're looking for, no worries! Just reach out to us for more help.


How long does it take to receive your occupational therapy license in Georgia?

It typically takes between 6 and 8 weeks to receive your occupational license in Georgia. This is average compared to other occupational therapy licenses across the United States.

Georgia Occupational Therapy contact information

Helpful Links

Georgia State Board of Occupational Therapy
237 Coliseum Drive
Macon, Georgia 31217-3858

Phone: (844) 753-7825
Fax: (866) 888-1308

Georgia Occupational Therapy Salary Information

Being an allied traveler, especially with Med Travelers, comes with a lot of amazing benefits. You can earn more per week on average than OTs working in traditional environments, all while making new friends and exploring exciting new locations. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the annual pay for Georgia OTs is around $85,310 on average.

The Peach State is a prime harvest location if you're looking to grow the fruits of your career. Georgia occupational therapy travel jobs can see you working in major Atlantic hospitals or in rural areas that are underserved. And while you're working on your career, you can also have some great adventures. When you work with Med Travelers, we help ensure you've got everything you need to make your assignment a success.

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