Chicago, Illinois City Skyline

Illinois Occupational Therapy License Board

Beginning your next allied travel adventure can be pretty easy. If the Prairie State is on your radar, you'll first need an Illinois occupational therapy license. You'll find everything you need on this page to get or renew that license, and we've also provided data about Illinois OT salaries and travel jobs in the state for more help. Still not sure or need more guidance? Simply call or email us to speak to an experienced recruiter for assistance.


How to Get Your Illinois Occupational Therapy License

The Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation takes an average of 2 months to process Illinois occupational therapy licenses, so make sure you get your application in well in advance of your next assignment. The average OT salary in the state is just below the national average, but so is the cost of living.

The Land of Lincoln has a lot to offer travelers, and it's also situated in a prime position for exploring more of the Midwest on your days off. We've gathered everything you need to get your license and get started on this adventure, and you can also reach out to us for more help if you need it.


How long does it take to receive your occupational therapy license in Illinois?

It typically takes up to 2 months to receive your occupational license in Illinois. This is a bit slow compared to other occupational therapy licenses across the United States.

Illinois Occupational Therapy contact information

Helpful Links

Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation
100 West Randolph, 9th Floor
Chicago, IL 60601

Phone: (800) 560-6420
Fax: (217) 524-0142

Illinois Occupational Therapy Salary Information

Being an allied traveler, especially with Med Travelers, comes with a lot of amazing benefits. Whether you like the peace of mind of knowing your housing can be covered — and even set up for you — or you enjoy having a higher earnings capacity, this can be a great career move. Allied travelers can make up to 20% more than their non-allied OT brethren, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that average Illinois OT salaries are $84,700 per year.

The Windy City is certainly an attraction for those spending time in Illinois, but when you work occupational therapy travel jobs, you don't have to stick to the popular paths. On your days off, you can explore everything the state has to offer, such as Starved Rock State Park. Working with Med Travelers lets you make great money, enjoy new experiences and add important skills to your resume.

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