Times Square in New York City, New York

New York Occupational Therapy License Board

Want to travel to the heart of the upper East Coast and enjoy everything the great metropolis has to offer? Working as a travel OT in the state is a great way to do so, and you can easily get your New York OT license by following the information on this page. We've also gathered data about New York OT salaries and travel OT jobs in the state to help you start your journey.

And at any time, if you need more help, you can reach out to the team at Med Travelers. We've got recruiters and other support staff to help make your journey as easy as possible.


How to Get Your New York Occupational Therapy License

The New York State Board for Occupational Therapy processes license applications in 1 to 3 weeks, so you can be on your way to a new allied travel adventure within a month. And while the cost of living in New York is higher than the national average so is the average salary for OTs in the state.

Whether you want to take the elevator to the top of the Empire State building or see the autumn leaves in upstate New York, you'll need your New York OT license before you start. We've done the work to gather the info you need to apply, and you can also reach out to use for more information.


How long does it take to receive your occupational therapy license in New York?

It typically takes between 1 and 3 weeks to receive your occupational license in New York. This is fast compared to other occupational therapy licenses across the United States.

New York Occupational Therapy contact information

Helpful Links

NY State Education Department
Office of the Professions
State Board for Occupational Therapy
89 Washington Avenue
Albany, New York 12234-1000

Email: otbd@nysed.gov
Phone: (518) 474-3817
Fax: (518) 473-0532

New York Occupational Therapy Salary Information

Being an allied traveler, especially with Med Travelers, comes with a lot of amazing benefits. One example is the potential for a housing stipend or free housing to make your travel assignment even easier, and you can also earn great money as an allied health traveler. The Bureau of Labor Statistics provides average salaries by state, and the average annual New York OT salary is $89,920.

If you've wanted to explore the Big Apple or other areas in New York state and never had the opportunity, occupational therapy travel jobs might be an ideal career move for you. You can make great money, add important experience to your resume and make new friends when you work with Med Travelers.

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