North Dakota mountains with buffalo

North Dakota Speech Therapy License Board

Getting your speech and language therapy license in North Dakota can be easy. The state board supports a quick process, and we've gathered everything you need to know to obtain or renew your license, so you don't even need to do the research. We've also provided some data about North Dakota SLP salaries and links to North Dakota travel SLP jobs.

You can also always reach out to us for more help or information. Our recruiters and other staff are available to provide guidance and answer your questions as you journey toward a travel speech therapy job in North Dakota.


How to Get Your North Dakota Speech Therapy License

If you have all the necessary requirements met when you apply for your North Dakota speech and language therapy license, it usually only takes up to 10 business days for your application to be processed. While the average SLP salary in North Dakota is lower than it is for the nation as a whole, the cost of living in North Dakota is also lower, which still makes this a lucrative opportunity.

Great Plains country, buffalo museums and historic Native American villages are some of the sites you can visit in this state. Whether you're trying to tick all the states off your list or get away from the craze of urban metropolises for a while, a North Dakota SLP license can be what gets you there. You'll find information on how to get your license on this page, and you can always reach out to us for more help.


How long does it take to receive your speech therapy license in North Dakota?

It typically takes up to 10 days to receive your speech and language therapy license in North Dakota. This is fast compared to other speech and language therapy licenses across the United States.

North Dakota speech therapy contact information

Helpful Links

P.O. Box 1338
Bismarck, ND 58502-1338

Phone: (701) 775-7165
Fax: (701) 224-9824

North Dakota Speech Therapy Salary Information

Being an allied traveler, especially with Med Travelers, comes with a lot of amazing benefits. You can also earn great wages — sometimes up to 20% more than many other SLPs in the same area. The Bureau of Labor Statistics notes that the average SLP salary in North Dakota is $67,070.

If you're ready to make a big move in your career, checking out travel therapy jobs in North Dakota might be a first step. You can add new skills and employers to your resume while exploring a part of the country you might not otherwise get to see. If traveling speech and language therapy work sounds attractive, know that you can earn competitive pay and even get health benefits when you work with Med Travelers.

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