Columbus, Ohio skyline

Ohio Speech Therapy License Board

The Mother of Presidents, the Birthplace of Aviation and a great place to work as a travel SLP — those are just some of the many things you can call Ohio. We're pretty partial to the last one, which is why we're providing you with all the information and links you need to obtain or renew your Ohio speech and language therapy license. You'll also find data about Ohio SLP salaries and links to travel therapy jobs in the state.

You can reach out to the recruiters and support staff at Med Travelers if you still have questions, though. Our mentors and other staff are available to help you land an exciting travel assignment in Ohio.


How to Get Your Ohio Speech Therapy License

It takes up to 3 months for the Speech and Hearing Professionals Board to process license applications, mostly because it depends on when the board is meeting next. The average SLP salary in Ohio is lower than the average pay for SLPs across the nation. But that's not a huge deal because the cost of living in Ohio is so low.

Ohio is a great place to work whether you enjoy exciting urban environments or lower-key rural weekends. You can visit the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, fish the many lakes and rivers or enjoy camping, hiking or fine city dining. The information on this page covers everything you need to know to get your Ohio speech and language therapy license so you can get to work in the Buckeye State.


How long does it take to receive your speech therapy license in Ohio?

It typically takes 1 to 3 months to receive your speech and language therapy license in Ohio. This is slow compared to other speech and language therapy licenses across the United States.

Ohio speech therapy contact information

Helpful Links

Speech and Hearing Professionals Board
77 South High Street, Suite 1659
Columbus, Ohio 43215-6108

Phone: (614) 466-3145
Fax: (614) 995-2286

Ohio Speech Therapy Salary Information

Being an allied traveler, especially with Med Travelers, comes with a lot of amazing benefits. On top of a great salary — potentially up to 20% more than traditional positions pay — you can get free housing, access to continuing education and other perks. The Bureau of Labor Statistics notes that the average SLP salary in Ohio is $76,740.

Travel therapy jobs in Ohio let you earn great money. But they also help you grow your resume to support a strong career in the future. If travel speech and language therapy jobs sound exciting to you, find out more about what you can do when you work with Med Travelers.

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