Downtown Tulsa, Oklahoma

Oklahoma Speech Therapy License Board

Whether you want to chase storms on your days off or experience heartland hospitality, Oklahoma can be a great choice for travel speech therapy professionals. But first you'll need an Oklahoma speech and language therapy license. Don't worry — the process isn't hard, and we've got all the links and information you need on this page. We've also got data on Oklahoma speech therapy salaries and Oklahoma SLP travel jobs.

If at any time you're not sure what to do next, reach out to us. Recruiters and support staff are here to help you land a travel therapy assignment that helps your career and adds enjoyment to your life.


How to Get Your Oklahoma Speech Therapy License

The Oklahoma Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology processes applications for speech therapy licenses in around a month, so you won't be waiting long. The average SLP salary in the state is lower than you'll find on average in the nation, but the very low cost of living in Oklahoma does offset that. Plus, you may be able to earn more than average as an allied traveler.

Whatever reason you're eyeing the Sooner State for your next assignment, you'll need that Oklahoma SLP license to get there. And the information on this page is what you need to get it. You can also reach out to us anytime to find out more or get help with your journey.


How long does it take to receive your speech therapy license in Oklahoma?

It typically takes up to 30 days to receive your speech and language therapy license in Oklahoma. This is average compared to other speech and language therapy licenses across the United States.

Oklahoma speech therapy contact information

Helpful Links

Oklahoma Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology
3700 N. Classen Blvd., Suite 248
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73118

Email: Website contact form
Phone: (405) 524-4955
Fax: (405) 524-4985

Oklahoma Speech Therapy Salary Information

Being an allied traveler, especially with Med Travelers, comes with a lot of amazing benefits. Allied travelers can make more money than non-allied travelers, and you may also be able to take advantage of health care benefits and housing stipends. The average Oklahoma SLP salary is around $72,640, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Oklahoma might be where the winds sweep down the plain, but it can also be where new career skills sweep your resume. When you take on travel therapy jobs in Oklahoma, you expand your work options while making new friends, seeing exciting places and making great money. When you work with Med Travelers, you get to do all that with the backup of professional recruiters and support staff to help.

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